Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Freedom Or Death - Ego

It's really great to be back writing and having the motivation to share music with you again. I've been excited for a while to share my life story and what i've been listening to along the way.  It was important to choose something special to share with you after such a long absence, though honestly I haven't found anything that truly stands out to me...'til now.  But first lets get a run down of what's been going on.  I finished school - thats right, I graduated people!  I finished a summer job and i'm just about to begin a new one with my parents.  I've started to record again and I've also started giving drum lessons to beginner drummers (if you're interested, let me know).  My sister is back from her stay in New York and it's always nice to have her back; and i'm happily in a relatively new relationship in which I don't see the end coming anytime soon (thats a good thing right??) All in all, i'm still living life and i'm still listening to music, and I have a little story that goes along with this artist.
I found this artist a while back, loved the song but could never find the album.  I went to HMV and unfortunately they told me they wouldn't be shipping in any new music in since they were closing down.  I went back a month or two after to see their closing sale, and there it was, sitting there, alone with all the discount stickers.  I felt like they ordered just one for me, and I never came to pick it up until now...It was meant to be.  So here you go....Freedom Or Death

Freedom or Death - Ego
I'm sorry for such a long (re)intro to this blog, but I was just so excited to be back; and to be honest there are only two songs I really want you to listen to anyway.  One of them is the first song that attracted me the most to this band: "This Crowded Room".  If you listen closely, front man Sway hardly sings without a harmonization.  Every section, whether it be the verse, chorus or breakdown, someone in the background is singing or humming in a different timing or a different tone; its simply genius.  Their cross between electronic, hip/hop infused alternative style makes them unique in so many ways.  If I could make a comparison, (without getting any hatred from it) I would say they sound much like the Toronto sensation "The Weekend".....but better.  Just take a listen to my second request: "Virginia Woolf".  The voice is such an important instrument in which they use to their advantage.  Listen to the slight vibrato during the second verse at 1:10; I mean really, who thinks of this stuff?

This is truly a great piece of work which should make its way to the mainstream; though i'm quite glad, and proud that I found it before the radio destroyed it.  None the less, it was something to share, and something i've wanted to share for a while.  It's never too late to share a good thing. If you keep it amongst yourself, it slowly becomes stale.  So share everything you got...before it starts to turn on you!

Freedom Or Death - Ego
recommended songs:
This Crowded Room
Virginia Woolf
Nobody Listens