Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ra ra riot - the rhumb line

alright guys...this is my first blog..so here we goo
first off i wanna say wats up, my name is Jason, also known as jay, sonson, jaysonson, or simply "the asian"; and i go to york university finishing up my english degree.  Having to study english, all i ever do is write essays or formal papers, so getting the chance to free write about something i'm passionate about is a great opportunity and i dunno why i haven't thought of it before.

any who; I wanted to start a blog about albums that i have recently listened to, or just began listening to and already getting sick of because it's on repeat in my car or on my laptop. Either way, my friends and family know that i have an odd selection of musical genres.  I sometimes wonder if my family thinks i'm a little strange if i put on a bubbly alternative rock song (i.e. coldplay - strawberry swing) in the morning to wake me up, then blast a serious bass bumper hip hop track (i.e. nicki minaj - i get crazy) in the afternoon, continue on with a metal head banging track (i.e. lamb of god - set to fail) at night, and then finish off with a calming easy on the ears track (i.e. ra ra riot - oh, la) so i can reminisce about recent events.  Either way, i think they love me for who i am, and i love them back for that.

So any ways, without trying to bore you with thoughts and reasons why i decided to begin a blog, im just gonna up and start with my first album:

ra ra riots - the rhumb line
released - august 19th, 2008
genre - alternative, indie rock/pop
producer - Ryan Hadlock

To be honest, i accidentally stumbled upon this album.  I was being my jaysonson self and was searching through itunes at 3 am cause i was bored.  Besides the point, itunes usually updates their music every Tuesday since Tuesdays are the days when new albums are released; much like how movies are released on fridays.  This is not always the case for some albums of course, some are released thursdays or mondays depending on the band, much like how some movies are released on wednesday depending on the movie. Any ways, back to my point, i decided not to listen to their recent album because i believe that any band plays their greatest stuff in and around the time they were signed: in other words, their debut or sophomore album (again, this is not always the case, but its just my opinion).
The first song i listened to was "can you tell".  First impression:........meh!  But again, don't judge a book by its cover, or in this case, don't judge a song by its 30 second preview (thats for all you itune lovers lol)
I continued to listen to the song, and i was impressed of how well they incorporated the violin and cello to their style of music.  It's almost like the violin accents the guitar perfectly, and the cello does the same for the violin, the bass does for the cello and so on.
The best way to describe something like this is if you take a listen to the next song i listened to: "oh, la"
This song blew me away, it was beautiful, it was how music should sound to my ears. It made me want to relearn violin........but lets be honest.
I've been drumming for the last 6 years, i'm noooo where near professional, but i think i have an ear for certain rhythms and off beats.  This album does not have an assortment of beats, or any complex rhythms for the matter, but the drummer definitely utilizes his style to its fullest.  The constant kick drum on beats one through four helps the audience take in everything in an easy pattern to follow.
What i'm trying to say is, these guys, and girls, know exactly what they are doing. They are playing music from the heart, their playing music knowing that people are going to love it.  They are playing music with confidence and without cockiness.  They don't care if others don't enjoy it, as long as they enjoy it, then they'll play it.  Thats something i look for in people, not saying that i judge (ok we all judge, but still), I make friends with people who live life with confidence but aren't afraid to admit that they f*ck up once or twice.  It's ok to make mistakes, but you learn from it.

Its refreshing to hear genuine music now a days.  I just had a couple of friends come back from vacation/work/school, I also have a sister who's about to move out of her new apartment; odd i know, but i'm by her side what ever decision she makes.  These events help me realize that things are happening, their changing and time is flying by.  By the time i find my way, move into my first appartment, my sister may have a child and ill be known as uncle sonson.........gross....lol...but who knows.  So to have one or two songs or a whole album that helps you reflect, and get excited for the future; i think its ok to have it on repeat for one more day.

songs i recommend off the album:
oh, la
each year
suspended in gaffa
too too too fast