I have a million things going on in my head...just a brief summary..i worked my first raptors game..IT WAS AWESOME...i'm on reading week...which is also awesome...i have a lot of work to do before my friend comes to visit from New Brunswick, which is kind of awesome i guess, i'm also losing sleep..which is not so awesome....and me losing sleep brings me back to the fact that i have a lot of things going on in my head. Its a constant circle and i'm having a hard time trying to find things that inspire me to continue....but then again, maybe i'm just looking to hard. So what inspires you?...A certain song? An old teacher? Or maybe a friend?.....What inspires me?.....my dad.
So heres #7
Passion Pit - Manners

I wasn't a fan of Passion Pit until I heard the song "
Moth's Wing". If i were to write a blog themed after my sisters "
100 songs that saved my life", this song would without a doubt be one of my top 10. The piano melody is gorgeous, the drummer only uses the ride and toms (he doesn't touch the snare once), the vocalist sings in a perfect falsetto, and the ambient sounds produced by the synths and electric pianos are genius. This song inspires me to learn every instrument played during this track, and reproduce it as if my own. It's hard not to single out this song from the rest of the album...not to say that
Manners is not worth a full listen, "Moth's Wing" is just one of those songs....it's...inspirational.
The best description i can give for this band is a collaboration of different sounds. Christmas chimes used in "
Sleepyhead", or a children's choir sung during "
Let your love grow tall". Passion Pit definitely made a fan out of me with their work off
Manners. It's an album worth a listen, even though you aren't a fan of the lead singers extremely high voice not fit for a grown man...
I have to admit, I am a little frightened about what i'm supposed to do after I graduate. I say that i have a plan, but what if the plan falls threw, what then? Either way, my dad always told me to be proud of who I am and not to look to far into the future, focus on right now first. Well I am extremely proud of who I am, and proud of who i will become....cause hopefully ill be more like him.
Passion Pit - Manners
Must listen:
Moth's Wing
Let Your Love Grow Tall
The Reeling
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