it's been a long week...and i mean..a LONG week. I just finished up my first week of frosh bossing, and i dont remember being so tired since my last time i participated in my frosh week. The 3 am partying, the 8 am wake ups...i can't keep up with these eighteen year olds ne more!.. But with that said, i totally missed last weeks blog, mainly because i didnt listen to another album, and yes i did go crazy. The only thing that was playing during frosh week was the constint euro beats, the "uns uns uns", and a devotion to lady gaga.
Not only have i been trying to be awesome all the time (and yes that was part of our contract), ive been living at my best friend(s) place for the last week. I love these guys for lending me their hospitality but i do admit that i missed my bed, to the fullist. After a long night of fist pumping, i go back home, put on my wicked ass bose headphones (sry for the advertisement) and put on the only thing that reminds me of home......Coldplay!
For people who know me well enough, they know that the band Coldplay has been part of my life for as long as i can remember. When i decided to write these blogs, i used it as an excuse to write a review on Coldplay, and in particular this album. And with everything that has been going on in my life, the friends, the family, the school, the age of 21, and the constint decision making....this album has been playing in the background, and even if i dont truely listen to it, its comforting to know that something so close to me will always be there as long as i press play.
soooo...i finally get to do a coldplay album....lets make this epic!!!
Coldplay - Parachutes
What more can I say about this album. The song writing techniques, the true sounds of melody, and the feeling of a cohesive band all jammed packed into a 42 minute LP. It's hard to find an album where you don't no, you don't want to change any track and listen to every single song. Each track has its own characteristic, but none other then the song "Don't Panic" best describes the album. "Don't Panic" gave me shivers the first time i heard it, and that feeling has never changed. I can't remember how many times ive relied on this song to give me that extra push, or to give me the encouragement to continue on. Even if things didn't work out as planned, i stayed true to myself, and i stayed true to the title. Everything will eventually work out for the better, you just gotta give it time. Another song i truly recommend would be "Everything's not lost". This song incorporates all aspect of great music, a slow build up, a dramatic chorus, and a climatic ending; as if this song was meant to be told as a story.
I can continue on about how much this album means to me, but it wont mean a thing if it doesn't persuade you to actually listen to it. This is an album that will always be close to my heart, and i hope it changes your mind on a couple of things too.
I give this album a 5/5, i would go over the 5 limit, but i don't want to over exaggerate and give you high expectations.
To wrap this up....and im sorry, i know this blog is pretty long, id just like to say, frosh week was wickedly awesome, it was awesome to be awesome for 21 hours of the day, it was awesome to meet so many awesome people, and it was awesome to always smell like awesome!!!!....i had a great week, and since school is about to start, i have to start making even bigger decisions in my life. I hope the friends i've made, and the friends im going to make in my last year of university will be as amazing as these albums i have been listening thanks for reading blog #3, now carry on with your life!!
Songs i recommend off Parachutes:
don't panic
everything's not lost
yellow (obv)